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literacy narrative

In my literacy narrative assignment, I disused mt experience with reading and how it has evolved within me. In my essay I’ve addressed some of the course learning outcome and fell short of other. The course learning outcomes are composed of eight components. I believe that I’ve used three of the Course Learning Outcomes. To start off one of the main course learning that have been used in this essay is number two which is Develop strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing. Although this assignment was done individually, we worked asa group to revise and review each other’s work, also before and after the review we practiced with making a draft with the essay to better strengthen it and develop it in a constructed and appropriate matter, another component that have been utilized is collaborating, this was used when we worked together to tell each other the strength and weaknesses of our essays. I also believe that course outcome one was also implemented in the essay Explore and analyze, in writing and reading, a variety of genres and rhetorical situations. In the class I read different stylesand types of Literacy Narrative that contributed to my assignment, also reading classmates essaysduring the revision is an example of this course learning outcome. I believe I’ve satisfied some of the course learning outcome, due to the nature of the assignment it is almost impossible to satisfy some of the course learning outcomes as they do not apply to the assignment, one example of this is using citation, and since there was no research done on this assignment no citation could be used.