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Exploratory Essay Self-Assessment

In my expletory essay assignment, I picked a topic to discuss and introduce it. The topic that I wrote about is gun control and more specifically how it impacts people. In my essay I’ve addressed some of the course learning outcome. In this course there are eight course learning outcomes that we should cover by the end of the semester. One of the main course leaning outcomes that I’ve used in this paper is number six Locate research sources (including academic journal articles, magazine, and newspaper articles) in the library’s databases or archives and on the Internet and evaluate them for credibility, accuracy, timeliness, and bias. This was a critical point in the essay since I had to learn to use the data base to find relevant accurate research material to use in the paper to present my essay, also not all of the material that was found could be used since I had to evaluate it for possible bias, factual accuracy and relevance to my topic. Another course learning outcome that I’ve used is             Develop strategies for reading, drafting, collaborating, revising, and editing. before submitting the essay wrote an outline and from then it was developed into a draft, the draft was then evaluated by classmates to get their point of view on what needs to improve and the things that were good about it. This applies to this point because it before submitting. The final product I made a draft that was later revised based on the points that were made by my classmates. Another important course learning outcome that was utilized in this essay is Practice systematic application of citation conventions. I had to use MLA format for this essay and a citation page had to be included in it, which highlights this course outcome since I had to learn how to use citations the eight way. One strategy that I preictally didn’t use in this essay is Compose texts that integrate your stance with appropriate sources using strategies such as summary, critical analysis, interpretation, synthesis, and argumentation. The reason why this wasn’t used is that in this essay an argument was not necessary since I just had to present and introduce a topic, an argument wasn’t needed due to the nature of the  essay.